Imagine you just play a bondage pose on a piece of furniture and you are really tied and strapped to it, with no way to get up…

This is possible now – with RLX!


RLX is an Experience Key based capture system that allows you to force sit and lock avatars on objects, attach things to their bodies or teleport them. Some people call it a “light version” of RLV, for those who don’t want to fiddle with viewer settings, HUDs and menus with tons of options.

It also works pretty similar – you can scan for avatars and capture/ force sit someone or you can lock an avatar who is already sitting. BUT it also works if you don’t do anything at all:


Once opted in to the Experience – RLX enabled furniture will automatically prevent the avatar from standing up, if a bondage pose is selected!


The dominant part receives a menu with further options, such as Drop Keys, Timer, Forbid Safeword, Blindfold, Blurred View and more:


Of course there is a Safeword-Option for the sub (well, ok, if not deactivated by the dominant):