Permanent Adjustment of Poses
Q: How do I adjust the poses and keep it permanently?
Smooching Serpents Poseball Free System does not offer an option to save adjusted Positions (as the actual adjustments can easily made on the fly and the thus saved scriptload guarantees less lag and problems) but it is easy to save your adjustments really permanently (even through sim restarts or corrupted scripts or whatever LL might throw at you) in 10 easy steps:
1. Get yourself free MLP scripts, free on Marketplace, for example -> //
2. Rez a copy of your poseballfree equipment, delete all scripts starting with ~SS (and rename it, so you don’t get it mixed up later)
3. Take all scripts out of your MLP box AND the ~ball and put it into the content folder of your adjustment project.
4. Load, use the “Adjust” option to adjust
5. “Save” Position
6. “Dump” Position
7. Copy the Dump (between the —————– lines, into a new notecard and name it .POSITIONS)
8. Rez a new copy of the equipment, delete the original .POSITIONS notecard and put your newly created one in.
9. optional but recommended: rename it
10. Take it back into your inventory and re-rez it, so that you keep one copy with the adjusted positions in your inventory
Give it a shot, it may sound more complicated than it actually is. and have a look here if you need help with MLPV -> //
Have fun
Cerowain Ceawlin