Morphing Homes
The Smooching Serpents Kinky Retreats pair distinctive versatility with extraordinary functionality and elevates adaptability to your needs and wishes to an utterly new level. Meet the rentals of your kinkiest dreams, with all the state of the art equipment you will ever need at your fingertips, for an immensely affordable price.
Click the heartlock of your Morphing Home Base to choose the house you want to enjoy.
The variety of lovingly crafted houses, each of them fully equipped with a fitting range of state of the art BDSM equipment and full of high quality animations follow a cleverly systemised floor plan which allows you to keep your own added decorations or furniture in place even when your whims lead you from lets say an Asian retreat to a French mansion at the snap of your fingers, or a click, to be more precise.
Once you will have rented you will be able obtain a new menu from the key that appears in the heartlock to pick further options.
Unrez or rez from the varying furniture and component options, and you can add your personal touches according to the additional prims you have included in your rentals.
If you have any further questions, speak to our manager Smoochling Resident, she willl be happy to help.
Looking for an extraordinary place?
This is not just a house. It’s a furnished Morphing Home which takes you on a kinky journey around the world.
– rezzes different houses (using always the same footprint, so you don’t have to move your furniture around)
– styles in this multiscene set include:
> BeachVilla Dream House
> PetitRoissy Mansion
> Yasuragi Asian Home
> Dystopia Urban Factory
> LatexLoft Fetish Apartment
> HotLodge Cabin
– all homes have a garden, living room, bedroom and a bathtub or pool
– fully and kinky furnished! There is almost nothing in these house you can’t get laid on.
– lots of high quality furniture by Smooching Serpents (Animations for Sex, BDSM, special Kinks, RLV, or just hang out and chill!)
– you can rez/unrez the included furniture as you wish. you don’t like the couch? delete it on click and set up your own!
– gives a free mesh radio and internet-tv (on this sim you have to share the media stream with other tenants though)
– gives a free basic and low lag orb for your security
– texture change and many other options for you to make it *your* home and not just a rental…
Feel free to test it!
Set Up:
1. Rez the box and touch it to open. It will create a folder in your inventory where you will find the Morphing Home Base and the actual Module (marked with a >).
2. Rez the Morphing Home Base (or alternatively one of our bikes or cars) and right click to choose Edit from the pie menu (or press Ctrl-3 and click on the object).
3. Open the Content tab (click More if you can’t see it).
4. Drag the >Morphing Home Module from your Inventory into the Content folder of the object.
5. Yay, you’re ready to go! Let it reload and have fun!
Quick Manual:
1. Touch the heartlock and select the house of your choice.
2. Wait a little until it is fully rezzed.
3. Now a key in the heartlock is rezzed. Touch this key for further customization of the rezzed house.
Enjoy your stay!
If you have further questions, please IM Smoochling Resident (Estate Manager).