Affiliate Vendors
Q: I recently bought a Smooching Serpents affiliate vendor kit on marketplace. when I went to unpack it I got a message that it wanted permission to take lindens from my account…
A: Every vendor in SL, affiliate or not, and also every rental box, should you ever own one, needs exactly this permission. Adboards as well – basically everything you ever paid or pay has exactly that permission from the person who owns the thing…
Mainly to be able refund money if something goes wrong with a transaction, and in the case of affiliate vendors also because the customer pays the owner the full price, who then pays the money on, on minus his or her percentage.
The system is not only absolutely legitimate, but also only working with this permission granted.
Q: I got an affilliate vendor from MP and its paying you and your staff, but not us. Any ideas?
A: Yep. If you pay your own vendor it will just charge the full price and won’t give you the 25% discount for yourself…
Bed Ambiances
Q: I deleted the bed, but the Ambiance is still there and can’t be deleted. Please help!
A: The Ambiances are temp-rez, because otherwise they would use up over a hundred prims. It works like this: The bed rezzes an invisible prim, which then rezzes the ambiance temporary (so it doesn’t count on your land). When the temporary prims vanish, they get rezzed again by the script in the invisible prim (every 60 seconds). So when you delete the bed, you have to click [STOP] first, in order to stop the Ambiance and unrez this invisible prim.
Q: The Ambiances don’t let us pick up the toys. (In the store we could select Ambiance and choose an item to play with from each one – rose, ice, candle and banana.)
A: For auto-attaching items you need to enable the Smooching Serpents RLX Experience on your land. If you don’t own the land, ask your landlord to do it for you. Here is a link that leads you through the experience setup: //smoochingserpents.com/manuals/experiences/
Chains or Ropes
Q: The chains (or ropes) don’t rezz. What can I do?
A: That is probably because you’re not wearing cuffs. Just add the Smooching Serpents experience RLX (former “Auto-Attach”) to your land, or ask your landlord to do it for you. Then opt in to the experience > woop, cuffs attached!
Cuffs and other Attachments
Q: The cuffs or other attachments don’t attach automatically. What can I do?
A: Just add the Smooching Serpents experience RLX and the AVsitter experience to your land, or ask your landlord to do it for you. Then opt in to the experience > woop, everything attached!
Design Change For Non-Owners
Q: I have a rental business and I want my tenants to be able to change textures. Is that possible?
A: Yes, of course! At our main store entrance in Villareal you will find a little box on the shelf on the right side, that gives you a free copyable script. Drop the script into all of your Smooching Serpents devices and the design menu will be available for your tenants, too.
Experience Set Up
Q: How do I set up an experience on my land?
A: Setting up an experience on your land is super easy: Youtube – but it only works, when you’re the owner of the land. If you’re renting, please ask your landlord to do it for you!
Here is more information on Experiences in Second Life by Torley Linden: More Youtube
Q: Your furniture is nice but too expensive! Can I have a discount?
A: We always sell new releases for half of the normal price during the first week, as promo specials – just follow our newsletter or join our inworld group. And if you want to go even cheaper, do this.
Gift Cards
Q: How do I use a Smooching Serpents Gift Card?
A: Wear it, click any of our vendors inworld and select a product, touch the gift card and then follow the instructions. Easy! If that doesn’t work: Some gift cards have to be rezzed on the ground first in order to activate them…(we can’t change it, it’s a Caspervend security measure)
Gift Cards Combine
Q: Can I combine two or more Smooching Serpents Gift Cards to buy one item?
A: No, that’s not possible, sorry.
Group Invite
Q: Can I get a group invite?
A: You don’t need one! Our group is open for everyone and free to join.
Lesbian Animations
Q: Do you have animations for lesbians in your furnitures?
A: Yes, some of our bigger products like beds, provide special menus for lesbians. However, as the creator Eve Light being a RL lesbian herself, she tries to provide gender neutral animations in all furniture pieces, so that they can be used by everyone.
That’s also why the devices don’t detect genders – because being female doesn’t automatically mean you’re submissive…
Morphing Rooms
Q: My Morphing Rooms don’t work. It’s all a big mess!
A: You have to drop the rooms into the inventory of the Morphing Room Base (which you will find in any Morphing Room package you have bought): Rez the Morphing Room Base and right click on it. Select [Edit] from the pie menu and go to the [Content] tab. Now drag and drop your >Rooms from your inventory into this window.
Owner, Group or Public Access
Q: I know some boats are locked in a way that only the owner can actually drive it. I was wondering if it was the same or would friends of mine be able to take control of it too if i let them?
A: The owner of the any of our products – no matter if it’s a boat, a car or a bed – can set it to Owner, Group or Public use in the [SECURITY] menu. The menu appears when clicking the object without sitting on it. The default settings are public. (Some vehicles have an own menu for that, but usually the [SECURITY] menu does the job.)
Q: I don’t like the item I bought and I want a refund!
A: We offer full refunds on inworld purchases and full refunds minus 10% Marketplace-fee on Marketplace purchases, within 3 days of your purchase. No questions asked. (The product will be destroyed automatically and can’t be rezzed again.)
Q: Do you happen to have a redelivery system or terminal?
A: Sorry, we don’t offer any redeliveries due to our Full Refunds and Upgrade Policy. The Caspervend and Marketplace systems make it impossible to offer both, and we decided for Refunds and Upgrades. Take good care of your purchases and don’t delete them!
Q: Hello, i bought the grand billiards table, and put it into a rezzer like i have with many of your other products, but the pool decor does not clear when the table is cleared.. can i get a version of table that does not rez the decor? or is there a way to config the table?
A: The pool table is not designed for a rezzer. Not only that it will not unrezz the decor – it might also not unrez the active balls if you’re in the middle of a game. In this worst case you could have 22 physical, scripted objects out of control bumping around on your sim. The caused lag could crash an entire sim, especially if there is some traffic and it would be hard for you to track down each ball and delete it manually.
P&V Not Working
Q: Hello, my Physics Cock (The P) or Bento Vagina (The V) isn’t reacting while using your furniture. What Can I do?
A: The P&V scripts sometimes need a restart. No idea why, let’s just do it: Right click your furniture and select [Edit] from the pie menu and go to the [Content] tab. Now find the scripts called “**[AV]SitPV V1.2 Seat” and reset them (double click to open the script, reset button bottom left).
Strapon Animation Problems
Q: My Smooching Serpent Bento Strapon is acting weird, please help!
A: The Smooching Serpent Strapon uses certain bones for animation that can be used by other attachments as well. To debug, detach all worn attachments, so that you are naked and just wear the strapon. Now go to [Avatar Health > Stop Avatar Animations] in your viewer and then select “Reset” from the Strapon HUD. After you managed to reset the strapon, re-add one attachment after another to find out which one causes the issue. When you found it, you have to decide which is more important for you (creators using the same bones is something that happens and can’t be avoided, sadly)
Q: Why do I receive this weekly newsletter from you?
A: Our Free Lifetime Upgrade policy is tied to a newsletter membership. You can unsubscribe or mute the object anytime. (Please note that you won’t receive free upgrades after unsubscribing from our newsletter.) See more here: Free Upgrade Policy
Swap for more than 2 sitters
Q: Have bought one of your awesome beds, but there is no swap option when you get into it as one person ?
A: Sit, open the AVsitter menu and click [BACK] on the first page of the menu. There you will find seats you can select. It’s a bit weird, but that’s just the way AVsitter works.
Q: How do I claim an update?
A: Just rez the old version of the product and an Update will be delivered instantly. Updates include minor changes and bug fixes.
Q: How do I claim an upgrade?
A: For Upgrades you will need an Upgrade HUD, which you find attached to our newsletter. Upgrades include new sets of animations, functions and big improvements. There is no way to claim a specific upgrade at any time; it can only be claimed while the product is on sale. Learn more: Free Upgrade Policy